Stealing food, hyenas are hunted by a pack of wild dogs

A hyena nearly lost his life when he robbed food among wild dogs.

According to the Daily Star, the video starts with a hyena running away, behind a group of six hungry wild dogs chasing.

The hyena was still clutching the booty on her mouth. He tried to tail off the wild dogs, when he jumped on the higher mound, hoping the wild dogs would give up.

But the stray dogs still chase, biting the hyena from the back causing it to cry out in pain. After a brief encounter, the hyena escaped out with the booty, forcing the stray dogs to empty hands.

According to National Geographic, hyenas are hunters of opportunities, often stealing booty from other creatures, including large-scale hunters.

Picture 1 of Stealing food, hyenas are hunted by a pack of wild dogs
Hyena ran away when pursued by wild dogs.

The video appeared on YouTube attracted tens of thousands of views, since last week's upload.

Most viewers feel satisfied with what they witness. One person wrote: 'Wild dogs have taken lessons'. Others said: '5 wild dogs have not been able to conquer hyenas. They try to regain the bait on the hyena mouth '.

Others feel humorous after watching the video: 'The video made me think of Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean movie running away from the pirates, just adding the soundtrack is perfect'.
