Stephen Hawking's cosmic dissertation causes ... to collapse

As soon as the doctoral thesis of Stephen Hawking was released for free, the University of Cambridge (UK) home page collapsed because too many people accessed it.

  1. Download Stephen Hawking's thesis on the universe

On the night of October 23, Vietnam time, Cambridge University first published content in Mr. Hawking's doctoral dissertation in 1966, when the famous theoretical physicist was 24 years old.

This thesis is called "Properties of Expanding Universes" , roughly translated as "The expansion of the universe" . It provided research on the origin of the universe, which was the work that made Mr. Hawking's name famous.

Picture 1 of Stephen Hawking's cosmic dissertation causes ... to collapse
Space scientist Stephen Hawking - (Photo: Reuters).

Almost immediately after being "downloaded for free" , the thesis becomes the document that receives the most downloaded requests on the school website.

Due to a large amount of traffic, this prestigious university website was paralyzed yesterday.

"We received a huge response to Professor Hawking's decision to allow his dissertation to be downloaded, with nearly 60,000 downloads in less than 24 hours. As a result, visitors went to the Open section. Our Access may find it slower than usual, and may be temporarily interrupted , " Guardian quoted a Cambridge University spokesman.

As for Hawking, he said that he hopes the publication of the material will help " inspire people around the world , let them look up at the stars, not bend down to see only their feet; to they wonder about our position in the universe, then try and understand the universe , " according to the AP.

Stephen Hawking was born on January 8, 1942, is a theoretical physicist, cosmologist and currently a Research Director at the University of Cambridge's Center for Theoretical Cosmology.

He is also famous for his book The Brief History of Time, writing about the universe. This is called the "best sellers unread" , meaning that many readers have owned it but most of them have not "absorbed" the amount of scientific knowledge in it, can not even read it all.

For many reasons both in scientific contributions and personal image, Mr. Hawking is considered one of the most illustrious scientists still living, with many books and movies about him.

For some reason, Mr. Hawking announced his thesis at this time. However, considering a heated debate among cosmologists a few months ago, it can be seen that Mr. Hawking's thesis offers many possibilities to "grudge" skeptics about the expansion of the universe theory. as well as the Big Bang (Big Bang) birth of the universe.

Picture 2 of Stephen Hawking's cosmic dissertation causes ... to collapse
Explain the Big Bang explosion.The bright spot on the left is the moment where the explosion takes place, leading to the universe expanding in spatial dimensions throughout the past 13.7 billion years - the estimated age of the universe - (Photo: NASA).

In May, Mr. Hawking and 32 other scientists wrote a letter describing "angry" in response to a paper published in Scientific American.

The group of 33 scientists confirmed that theory of inflation is still one of the best models that can explain the origin of the universe, according to Newsweek magazine.

Previously in February, Scientific American published an article by the trio of physical scientists Anna Ijjas, Paul J. Steinhardt, Abraham Loeb.

The article is titled "Pop Goes the Universe" , which opposes the expansion theory of the universe, arguing that all of the theory's supporters are beginning to believe in a theory without empirical evidence. .

For a long time, in the textbooks of many countries around the world, Big Bang is used as a theory about the origin of the universe.

According to the Big Bang theory and later cosmic inflation theory, there was an explosion 13.7 billion years ago to create the universe. Since the Big Bang event, the universe has become extremely hot and "stretched" so far (and will continue to expand). Galaxies in the universe are therefore "drifting" farther apart.

But according to the three scientists, the current universe must be interpreted according to "Big Bounce" , which means "a big turn / recovery".

Picture 3 of Stephen Hawking's cosmic dissertation causes ... to collapse
Description of Big Bounce.The universe will narrow down to the hottest point, then perform a "recovery jump" to expand.

Accordingly, the universe is not only an explosion that starts and expands forever, but operates cyclically. That is, when the cosmic energy is exhausted, it will return to its original state, then become extremely hot and extremely solid - concentrated, leaving an explosion or subsequent event to expand.