Is there something wrong with the big bang theory, or is the theory of relativity itself wrong?
The theory of three-dimensional cosmos suggests that all we see, including ourselves, is just an illusion. This is still controversial in the scientific world.
A very silly question about an obvious fact, though not everyone knows about it.
Recently, data from the Hubble Space Periscope has been used by aerospace experts, to analyze a phenomenon we can first observe
On the night of October 23, Vietnam time, Cambridge University first published content in Mr. Hawking's doctoral thesis in 1966.
The universe is expanding 10% faster than previously anticipated, questioning whether Albert Einstein's relativity theory is accurate or not?
Multi-universe is a hypothesis that has been long established by scientists, but to prove it is not easy.
What is the universe? A great question has been asked before mankind for centuries. In ancient China, the philosopher Lao Tzu gave the universe an existence
Many previous studies have suggested that the universe was formed after the Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago, and has since expanded at an increasingly terrible rate.
A huge experiment in Pisa, Italy, is being conducted to find the existence of gravitational waves in the theory of relativity proposed by the scientist Albert Einstein.