Stone marks on the desert

Picture 1 of Stone marks on the desert In the Belgian Gulf area south of Peru's capital Lima, there is a 820-foot high red stone wall built by humans. On that wall there was a picture of a three-pointed candelabra or candlestick. Each branch has a 13-inch wide fork, which is paired with shiny white and hard colored stones like granite and finely carved. If today is not buried by sand, it still emits dazzling light.

Some archaeologists believe that the "jack" on the rock wall at Boseka Bay is the marking of the land to guide boats and ships. But most archaeologists do not agree with that view. They said that the three-dimensional graphics on the bay can't make boats visible at all angles. Whether the lake from ancient times has or not has the "ocean ship" team like that.

If there are boats that use that sign to show why the Incas don't take advantage of the two nearby islands. The island is located on the extension of the branch between the "three-way" island will have more favorable natural conditions. Even if boats in any direction go into the bay, they will see these two islands from a distance.

If you use "three-point" to guide the boat, sailors coming from the north or south will not be able to see. Moreover, the most important thing is, the creator of the "three-point" wants to point towards the sky.

There is one more point to be mentioned, where there is no place that can attract the sailors' attention. In addition, in prehistoric times in the bay there are many reefs, not suitable for boats to stop. Therefore, archaeologists argue that the "three-click" sparkle of ancient light was created to serve as a guide to guide people who "fly" in the sky.

Archaeologists speculate, if "triple-pointing" is an indication of air navigation , it should not stand alone, there must be something around it. In the 30s of the twentieth century, the way to "click three pitches" 100 miles away, in the desert of Nasca, archaeologists found many mysterious graphics. The graphics are scattered across a narrow strip of land stretching 37 miles north of Banphan to the south of Nasca. These are geometric graphics, portraits of animals and rocks neatly lined, very similar to the plan of an airport.

Picture 2 of Stone marks on the desert

Big lion figure rolls tail

If you sit on a plane hovering over this desert, you can see the big, sparkling roads, which last up to several miles, sometimes parallel to each other, sometimes cutting, sometimes into four shapes. irregular feeling. In addition, we can see the shape of the giant beasts that are grafted from shining stones, including giant, long crocodiles; The big lions roll their tails. In addition, there are strange animals that people have not seen on Earth.

Who created those graphics? Why is it so weird to zoom in? What's more, only when in a high sky can a graphic shape be fully realized?

According to local legend, for a long time, unknown hybrid creatures had landed on the footless desert near today's Nasca city, where they "built" a yard. Provisional spaceflight serves their spacecraft . After that, many of their spacecraft took off and landed here. Thus, the cosmic guests, after completing their mission, leave the Earth and return to their own planet. The Inca tribe at the time had seen the actions of those cosmic people in the eyes and had kept a very deep impression.

Archaeologists very much believe in such myths. They also deduced that, if the landing point was chosen in the Nasca desert, the "triple point" sign in Bogo was designed to signal the "airport" and the South Nasca must also have a new sign. it's correct.

Picture 3 of Stone marks on the desert On Bolivian rocky mountains of Bolivia, 250 miles from Nasca, many such things are also found. In many places, you can find graphics with square angles, arrows, and ladder shapes. Even on a ridge is "painted" a rectangle, very few decorative features on it. In an area on the same surface, there are steep cliffs with circular, oval and chessboard graphics that shine around. In the Tairaphacan desert, rare footprints have a very slender figure of a robot . The figure of this robot is about 330 meters high, its shape is a rectangle, very similar to a chessboard, its legs are straight, the skinny neck is a rectangular head, there are 12 long beards above. Equally like the antennae antennae. The triangular-to-thigh-shaped buttocks range like an ultrasound jet jet wing mounted on both sides. The graphic is about 500 miles from the Nasca desert.

Archaeologists deduce that these graphics are related to guests outside the universe, an ancient site that needs to be studied accurately.