Strange creatures are like sushi pieces, but don't touch ...

Possessing an adorable and unique appearance, the pink Armadillo delighted and surprised many people.

Every time we see a cute animal, we often think: "Bring home a pet!" . But not all animals are suitable for indoor farming, especially strange poisonous creatures. This pink creature named Armadillo looks like a piece of sushi sashimi, very cute and unique, but they are real wild animals, not suitable for pets like pets.

Picture 1 of Strange creatures are like sushi pieces, but don't touch ...
Pink armadillo is very small, only 15cm or more long.

Pink armadillo is very small, only 15cm or more long. In the animal family of tomorrow , the pink Armadillo is the smallest. Now scientists can only find this exotic animal in Argentina. However, because of scarcity, researchers also know very little about pink Armadillo. Only knowing that they are masters digging, when encountering enemies will know how to shrink into spheres to protect themselves.

Picture 2 of Strange creatures are like sushi pieces, but don't touch ...
This pink Armadillo is extremely dependent on the environment.

A lot of people think that this animal is cute, want to take it back like a pet. But they do not know that this pink Armadillo is extremely dependent on the environment. When they are taken away, they will fall into a state of tremendous pressure, for a maximum of 8 days, the pink Armadillo will be overly sad and die.

Worth mentioning, besides the risk of being caught, the pink Armadillo also narrowed the living area due to their growing environment being turned into agricultural lands. Farmers will use insecticides, which will destroy the pink Armadillo.

Picture 3 of Strange creatures are like sushi pieces, but don't touch ...
The pink habitat of Armadillo is shrinking.

Now Argentine people have also noticed that rare pink Armadillo are being pushed to the brink of despair. Therefore, they also launched related projects, hoping that everyone will join hands to protect them.