Strange tribe where men wear skirts to rob their wives and beauty pageants

All the men of the Wodaabe tribe held mirrors with them. They are the most arrogant tribe in the world and consider themselves the most handsome people in the world.

Men wear skirts to rob their wives and beauty pageants

The beauty contest of the Wodaabe tribe is probably the most competitive competition in the world, more than the beauty contest. Because the winner, in addition to being honored, can capture a beautiful wife.

This beauty contest is only for men of the Wodaabe tribe, a nomadic tribe who consider themselves the most beautiful people in the world.

In September, at the end of the rainy season, the Wodaabe tribe held Gerewol - a beauty pageant for men after a migration season. They migrated through the harsh Sahel Desert , stopping in Nigeria, Cameroon, Central Africa, Chad, .

Picture 1 of Strange tribe where men wear skirts to rob their wives and beauty pageants
Men of the Wodaabe tribe.

The location of the event was very secret and only revealed before the ceremony. The best point of the festival is the Yakke contest, where the men perform beauty before the three judges.

They painted red clay on their faces, black eyes highlighting the white, red lipstick showing off their teeth. A white ostrich feather with hair and a white stripe along the nose. Men will stand in a circle, judged by three judges. All three judges must have a father who won Yaake.

While the judges judge, the women below also choose their next husband for themselves.

Picture 2 of Strange tribe where men wear skirts to rob their wives and beauty pageants
The woman in the tribe is entitled to choose her husband from this beauty contest

If they like someone, they will voluntarily be "robbed " by that person and ready to leave their husband behind. Those who want to be "robbed" will wait until their favorite man comes over and jumps on his shoulder.

In fact, Wodaabe women are people who have freedom, they want to have as many husbands as they can.

A bride stays with her husband until she becomes pregnant, then she comes back to live with her mother. Meanwhile, the bride is a ' boofeydo ', that is, the person who made the mistake.

During this time, she was not allowed to contact her husband and vice versa. After 2, 3 years, the wife is allowed to visit her husband but cannot take her with her.

Since then, the wife can freely choose for her husband two, husband three, .

Picture 3 of Strange tribe where men wear skirts to rob their wives and beauty pageants
Most Wodaabe men attended the festival named Gerewol.

Wodaabe men are not allowed to comment when they are abandoned.Therefore, not everyone gives his wife to see Gerewol.

Picture 4 of Strange tribe where men wear skirts to rob their wives and beauty pageants
Bright eyes, white teeth, sharp points make up the beauty of the man.

Picture 5 of Strange tribe where men wear skirts to rob their wives and beauty pageants
Wodaabe men always carry pocket mirrors in them.

Picture 6 of Strange tribe where men wear skirts to rob their wives and beauty pageants
Wodaabe women are free to marry as many husbands as they want.

Picture 7 of Strange tribe where men wear skirts to rob their wives and beauty pageants
Married women can be robbed by a boy and ready to leave their husbands with them.

Picture 8 of Strange tribe where men wear skirts to rob their wives and beauty pageants
The men of this strange tribe often fear their wives 'robbed'.