Summary of the best news of the week 02/05/2017

The mystery of dark matter, sun halo, immortal valley, baby girl ghost in the forest, learn about MMA martial arts . are the most interesting scientific news in the past week.

Picture 1 of Summary of the best news of the week 02/05/2017
Sometimes we will find in the sky filled with silver gray clouds, when the sunlight or the moon shines on the clouds, the surroundings will be a faded silver halo. See more here .

Picture 2 of Summary of the best news of the week 02/05/2017
The hunter's auto camera in rural Cambridge, New York state, USA, captures a photo of a girl between the forest, and the camera's owner thinks this is a ghost. See more here .

Picture 3 of Summary of the best news of the week 02/05/2017
In fact, the big light around the Sun is not a circular rainbow. It is merely the result of a common optical phenomenon in nature: light refraction. See more here .

Picture 4 of Summary of the best news of the week 02/05/2017
Recently there was an information concerning the Mexican government, and said the government has announced the artifacts and images discovered in the Calakmul ruins in Mexico, which all prove the fact that people have been exposed. with aliens. See more here .

Picture 5 of Summary of the best news of the week 02/05/2017
This paradox of 3 paradoxical creators asserted that at least 1,000 years later, there was no solution to his challenge. See more here .

Picture 6 of Summary of the best news of the week 02/05/2017
Chinese Tai Chi masters were defeated by amateur MMA fighters within 10 seconds. What is MMA that is ultimately so powerful? See more here .

Picture 7 of Summary of the best news of the week 02/05/2017
The size is what makes boys wonder about "that". But it doesn't really matter, and this has been scientifically proven. See more here .

Picture 8 of Summary of the best news of the week 02/05/2017
Located in the middle of Ecuador's Andes, Vilcabamba is a quiet and picturesque small village. This is a famous place called "Truong Sinh Valley". Many people also called funny "immortal valleys". See more here .

Picture 9 of Summary of the best news of the week 02/05/2017
The mysterious work discovered beneath the Antarctic ice sheet may be the remains of ancient civilization. See more here .

Picture 10 of Summary of the best news of the week 02/05/2017
According to RT, these eggs and embryos were once mixed in ancient stones smuggled, but were eventually returned to the government. The ovary, along with the fetus, was named "the fetus of the dragon" , was famous all over the world after appearing on the cover of National Geographic magazine in 1996. See more here .