Summary of the best news of the week 04/03/2017

Quantum engine, secret of Pi, immortal, the most cruel death penalty, feeling before death . are the most interesting news readers in the past week.

Picture 1 of Summary of the best news of the week 04/03/2017
Russian research specialists have successfully tested a type of engine that only a few years ago only in science fiction. See more here .

Picture 2 of Summary of the best news of the week 04/03/2017
This creature is nearly impossible to destroy, able to survive comfortably in the harshest conditions. Now, people have found the mystery behind them. See more here .

Picture 3 of Summary of the best news of the week 04/03/2017
Some ancient death penalty causes many people to shiver when they hear their names. See more here .

Picture 4 of Summary of the best news of the week 04/03/2017
Because no one knows how to die, just thinking about death is crying and mourning, death is still the fear of mankind. See more here .

Picture 5 of Summary of the best news of the week 04/03/2017
Overcoming 270,000 "candidates", the 10 flowers below not only make you ecstatic by its beauty but also surprised because these are extremely rare flowers. See more here .

Picture 6 of Summary of the best news of the week 04/03/2017
In the swamp Parana Delta area, in the northeastern border of Argentina has a mysterious island called the Eye of the Eye - The Eye. The island is not only impressed by the nearly perfect circle but also by its ability to rotate around its axis. See more here .

Picture 7 of Summary of the best news of the week 04/03/2017
Although pi is made up of endless series of unpredictable numbers, it is not random numbers like we think. Pi numbers actually contain all kinds of surprising models. See more here .

Picture 8 of Summary of the best news of the week 04/03/2017
We humans cannot yet discover and conquer all of our planet and these are two of them. See more here .

Picture 9 of Summary of the best news of the week 04/03/2017
Although science has tried, but until now these strange phenomena have not been elucidated. See more here .

Picture 10 of Summary of the best news of the week 04/03/2017
Public toilets in the capital Beijing - China began using facial recognition technology to prevent widespread theft of toilet paper. See more here .