Super sensor detects environmental pollution

When a chemical reaction occurs, the two active substances combine to produce a specific color under the sun.

Thus, by evaluating the color of the object, the material, the medium can determine the compounds present inside it. Unfortunately, many colors are outside the three bands of light (red, green, blue) so they can not be seen with the naked eye. Meanwhile, the spectrum analyzer can detect a wider range of light, but it's rather cumbersome and usually lies in the lab, the specimen must be shipped to. Now, a Tel Aviv University-based scientist, Israel (TAU) has created a portable ultrasonic sensor , which can 'see' more than 1,000 different colors. This makes it easy to spot pollution in the right place in real time.

Picture 1 of Super sensor detects environmental pollution

This spectral sensor is capable of processing information 300 times more powerful than the human brain and can perform at various distances. Professor Eyal Ben-Dor, the father of the invention, said the super-sensor can read and analyze reflected light in the range of 30cm to 805km. This helps it not only work on the ground but can place it on unmanned aerial vehicles, weather balloons, and satellites. It can even be combined with telescopes, so astronomers can use it to determine the content of another planet's atmosphere.

Picture 2 of Super sensor detects environmental pollution

At first sight, Ben-Dor said it was used for land and sea surveys to identify pollutants, especially around gas pipelines, in agricultural environments, marinas. is any place where pollution can occur. In the long run, TAU's sensors are used to measure the strength of concrete, determine indoor dust contamination and applications in other areas such as medicine, pharmacy and the apparel industry.