Super-material-material-Nobel-Physics is built at home!

Thanks to a piece of regular Scotch tape, a cell phone and a pencil core, Russian scientist Konstantin Novoselov proved before a large audience how he obtained graphene - the substance thanks to which he was awarded. Nobel Prize in Physics 2010.

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The most famous Russian scientist of fine material preparation has visited the RUSNANOTECH-2010 World Forum in Moscow and held a small press conference about his work.

Picture 1 of Super-material-material-Nobel-Physics is built at home!
Novoselov in the laboratory where he created the graphene metamaterial. (Photo: Internet).

" At first glance, everyone thought it was a joke, but it was true that the first experiments to prepare simple graphene came in our lab. This is a masterpiece of material without one. Modern technology equipment of any laboratory in the world is expected , 'Novoselov said.

The scientist chopped the pencil, stuck the graphite core on the side with the glue applied on the Scotch tape. After peeling off the tape, he stuck it back to the screen of his mobile phone. In Novoselov's words, there are unseen dust particles on the surface of the phone screen, and itself contains graphene.

This " Nobel laureate" until December 10 will come to Stockholm to explain not to reveal the subtleties of the process of making materials of the new generation. He only noted that in order to experiment successfully, it is necessary to have very good graphite, especially natural graphite and solid substrate.

He said graphene - are carbon atoms with a unique structure, connected by the structure of chemical bonds. This material is considered to be the smoothest, most elastic and also one of the hardest materials in the world. Thanks to these extraordinary properties, it is called the material of the next generation, which is widely used in many high-tech fields, among them nanoelectronics.