Surprise with the wonderful lightning created just by the things in the house

If you have for some reason poured soda or water and a little baking soda (also called baking soda) on a wooden table, what would you do? Probably wipe it clean. But can you make this compound a very interesting phenomenon with high voltage current?

Picture 1 of Surprise with the wonderful lightning created just by the things in the house
When these "lightning bolts" spread across the wood, you could clearly see the extremely high temperatures with continuous smoke and fire.

This phenomenon, known as Lichtenberg figures (also known as 'lightning flowers') , is named after the German physicist Georg Christoph Lichtenberg. When high-voltage current comes into contact with soda / water and baking soda, it spreads and burns the surface, here is the wood, and creates lines like lightning. When these "lightning bolts " spread across the wood, you can clearly see the very high heat emitted with smoke and fire constantly rising and at the same time, the most obvious thing is that the two heads of lightning will automatically spread together, as you see in the video below.

Lightning flower Lichtenberg.

This is a very interesting and interesting experiment, but it is best not to try doing it at home because you will need thousands of volts of electricity to create Lichtenberg figures. There are very few devices in your home that are capable of producing such a large current, except for the microwave as shown in this video. Of course, unplugging the microwave cord for testing is definitely not recommended at home, so it's best to watch the video for entertainment only.