Surprised poisoning the body of ancient Egyptians

Ancient Egyptians had unique body hygiene habits, surprising many people and feeling unbelievable.

Picture 1 of Surprised poisoning the body of ancient Egyptians
Ancient Egyptians invented peppermint candy to cope with unpleasant odors due to dental diseases.Therefore, in order to have a sweet breath, the Egyptians combined incense, aromatherapy and cinnamon to boil with honey and then curled it into small pellets to use.

Picture 2 of Surprised poisoning the body of ancient Egyptians
In order not to be harassed, both men and women of ancient Egypt will shave their heads. For priests, they will clean the whole body every day so that "there is no vulgar thing that affects them when they worship gods."

Picture 3 of Surprised poisoning the body of ancient Egyptians
According to some documents, the ancient Egyptians carried out circumcision practices from about 4000 BC.Talking about this ritual, Herodotos remarked that the Egyptian people enjoyed circumcision because according to them this work brought cleanliness and good looks.

Picture 4 of Surprised poisoning the body of ancient Egyptians
To eliminate unpleasant odors on the body, the Egyptians use some spices such as lemon, cinnamon, flower fragrance .

Picture 5 of Surprised poisoning the body of ancient Egyptians
In ancient Egypt, people made toothpaste to prove Egypt's medical development at the top of the world.Specifically, the Egyptians created a toothpaste formulation: 1 drachma (1 drachma approx. 0.28 gram) salt, 2 mint drachma, 20 grain (1 grain approx 0.064 gram) of pepper and citrus The part is considered to be the most effective, indispensable is a drachma iris dried Iris.

Picture 6 of Surprised poisoning the body of ancient Egyptians
Even after death, the Egyptians are also interested in life in the afterlife.They prepared for the deceased the burial items such as mirrors, combs made of ivory or silver, jewelry . for the dead to use when in another world.

Picture 7 of Surprised poisoning the body of ancient Egyptians
To prevent disease, ancient Egyptians ate healthy food made from ingredients such as onions, garlic, radish . to enhance resistance, fight illnesses.

Picture 8 of Surprised poisoning the body of ancient Egyptians
Ancient Egyptians viewed eye makeup not only for beauty but also for healing purposes.According to the Egyptians, eye makeup will help them longevity, cure some eye diseases, and even keep them away from the devil's attention.