Ancient Egyptians used to build industrial parks

Recent discoveries of glass crafting skills along with the discovery of an ancient Egyptian industrial complex once again surprised the world at the level and development of this civilization. .

The newly excavated area is located at Amarna, along the banks of the Nile and dates back to the Akhenaten period (1352-1363 BC), a few years before King Tutankhamun reigned.

One historian said that Egyptians imported glass during this period, but the archaeological team led by Paul Nicholson of Cardiff University, Wales showed that ancient Egyptian glass-making technology was much more advanced by restoring. restore a 3,000-year-old glass stove. They even produced a glass sample using this stove with sand in the area.

The archaeological team also discovered that glass was only part of an industrial complex, including a pottery workshop, green work tools and other materials used in architecture.

Scientists believe the industrial park specializes in providing materials for public buildings because its location is near one of the Amarna main temples. Nicholson said: 'Many scientists believe that glass on artifacts at that time was imported but there was evidence that Egyptian craftsmen were capable of making glass and also turned it into an industry. industry next to other manufacturing industries. '

Picture 1 of Ancient Egyptians used to build industrial parks

The glass furnace is reconstructed according to the kiln simulation used by ancient Egyptians.(Photo: LiveScience)