Synthesis of the best news from the 4th of July

Predicting the end of the world, the prophecy of Mrs. Vanga, the life outside of Earth, the ghost ship . is the most widely read news in the past week.

Picture 1 of Synthesis of the best news from the 4th of July
A prophetic organization forecasted on July 29, the Earth will experience an intense global earthquake, while stars will also continue to fall on the green planet. See more here .

Picture 2 of Synthesis of the best news from the 4th of July
Not many people believe in the prediction of the prophets. However, one cannot ignore it when it comes to 70% reality. See more here .

Picture 3 of Synthesis of the best news from the 4th of July
Mrs. Vanga (Bulgarian) is known and admired by the world for her prophetic ability. After an early childhood event, she began to be able to foresee the future. See more here .

Picture 4 of Synthesis of the best news from the 4th of July
Vietnam is one of the most confusing cases in the education sector: A low-income country that produces students who do well on international standardized tests no less than students in the most developed countries in the world. . See more here .

Picture 5 of Synthesis of the best news from the 4th of July
NASA space agency representative informed about the upcoming seminar, will introduce some sensational discoveries in the field of cosmology - maybe some evidence of the existence of life on the left land. See more here .

Picture 6 of Synthesis of the best news from the 4th of July
If you are an attentive person, you can easily realize that electrical items brought from the US or Japan are often required to be used with a switch . Read more here .

Picture 7 of Synthesis of the best news from the 4th of July
A brave dog alone killed 4 poisonous snakes, saving his master's life. See more here .

Picture 8 of Synthesis of the best news from the 4th of July
The disappearance of ships and planes passing through the waters dubbed the Bermuda Triangle is still a mystery to this day. Recently, a "ghost ship" suddenly "returned" after 90 years without disappearing. See more here .

Picture 9 of Synthesis of the best news from the 4th of July
By cutting-edge technology, people are creating countless materials with many different features. See more here .

Picture 10 of Synthesis of the best news from the 4th of July
In a cave near the Dead Sea, archaeologists have discovered more than 900 ancient leather books, among them records of giants. See more here .