Temporary apartment Fold - Emergency relief solution

Fold temporary residence of German designer Adrian Lippmann has the ability to flexibly and safely fold when used in emergency relief cases.

Only in the first decade of the 21st century did the world witness millions of people losing their homes because of natural disasters. For that reason, designers are always trying to create devices that can partly meet emergency relief for people.

Adrian Lippmann's Folded Apartment, the founder of interior design company Form-al, is made of composite material with an optimal geometry design, helping to combat winds and heavy rain, even both earthquakes.

Picture 1 of Temporary apartment Fold - Emergency relief solution

Picture 2 of Temporary apartment Fold - Emergency relief solution

Optimal design of geometry, helps the apartment be able to withstand heavy winds and heavy rain.

The interior space is also relatively spacious, ensuring a temporary living space for a family. Apartment can be disassembled. Simple assembly of panels.

The apartment was put on display at the international design exhibition DMY, Berlin, this year.

Source: Thedesignblog