Thanks to the Falcon 9 rocket, American artists will release artwork that can be seen with the naked eye

This is another way to contemplate the relationship between people and the Earth, Trevor Paglen said.

The universe is beautiful, but that beauty is not created by humans. We built spacecraft, huge space stations, modern satellites - they are beautiful according to a specific standard, not related to art.

Picture 1 of Thanks to the Falcon 9 rocket, American artists will release artwork that can be seen with the naked eye
From the ground, viewers can admire themselves through mobile applications.

So the American artist Trevor Paglen wants to change that. In his work entitled Orbital Reflector - Reflection of his orbit , he wants to launch a sculpture into the low orbit of the Earth. From the ground, viewers can admire it on their own and watch its flight through a mobile application.

This ' satellite' is completely useless, only that is beautiful art.

The prototype, which is shaped in spherical form, but after thinking back, Paglen's team decided to redesign it into a 30-meter diamond shape, to get the maximum surface area to reflect. It will be bright enough that we can visually admire this work of art on the night sky, when standing from the ground.

It will be on orbit around April 2018, will be folded down to the size of a brick, placed into the tiny satellite CubeSat, attached to SpaceX's Falcon 9 missile and begins its journey. . At 563km above the ground, this work of art will spread out between the vast universe, far away.

Picture 2 of Thanks to the Falcon 9 rocket, American artists will release artwork that can be seen with the naked eye
At 563km above the ground, this work of art will spread out between the vast universe, far away.

In a period of two months, it will gradually lower the trajectory naturally. The gravity of the Earth will pull this satellite down, and it will "evaporate" because the heat produced it rushes through the atmosphere, to the ground at high speed.

Video introducing Trevor Paglen's artwork.

This is not the first time Paglen has tried to launch something into the Universe. In 2012, he launched The Last Pictures - The final image , a silicon disk containing a hundred images that symbolize life on Earth. However, there are also many conflicting ideas around this work: we have enough Space garbage, do not release more useless things there.

Picture 3 of Thanks to the Falcon 9 rocket, American artists will release artwork that can be seen with the naked eye
The Last Pictures Works.

However, why can't we turn that tall universe into a big canvas for imagination, human creativity to be imagined: isn't the universe endless? Mr. Paglen wants to turn this Orbital Reflector into a 'new limit'.

'For me, this is a more complicated relationship . this is an interesting way to think about the Universe, in terms of limitations: what is the limit of our ability to receive something? something else? ' , he said, the idea that the majority of us only see the Universe is a resource to be used by the military and companies make a profit.

Paglen's artwork is also a way to approach and explore the Universe - a new horizon, which adds a bit of the romantic element of art.'Just look up to the sky and enjoy - that is an act I've done for a long time,' Paglen said, that I had another reason to look up to the sky. 'This is another way to contemplate the relationship between people and the Earth.'