The 10 greatest mathematicians in history

Lists Now Top 10 page has just voted to list the 10 greatest mathematicians in human history. In it, there are 3 people with German nationality.

Picture 1 of The 10 greatest mathematicians in history
1. Leonhard Euler (Switzerland, year of birth / year of death: 1704-1783).

Picture 2 of The 10 greatest mathematicians in history
2. Carl Friedrich Gauss (Germany, year of birth / death: 1777-1855).

Picture 3 of The 10 greatest mathematicians in history
3. Euclid (Greece, lived in the 3rd century BC).

Picture 4 of The 10 greatest mathematicians in history
4. Isaac Newton (England, year of birth: 1643-1727).

Picture 5 of The 10 greatest mathematicians in history
5. Wilhelm Leibniz (Germany, year of birth / death: 1646-1716).

Picture 6 of The 10 greatest mathematicians in history
6. Archimedes (Greece, year of birth / death: about 287-212 BC).

Picture 7 of The 10 greatest mathematicians in history
7. Jules Henri Poincare (France, year of birth / year of death: 1854-1912).

Picture 8 of The 10 greatest mathematicians in history
8. Rene Descartes (France, year of birth / year of death: 1596-1650).

Picture 9 of The 10 greatest mathematicians in history
9. Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann (Germany, year of birth / death: 1826-1866).

Picture 10 of The 10 greatest mathematicians in history
10. Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi (Iraq, year of birth / death: about 780-about 850).