The boy remembered his previous life as a woman who died in a fire

5-year-old Luke Ruehlman said he was once a woman named Pamela, a victim of a house fire in 1993.

>> The 5-year-old boy tells his past life story

A strange story about children remembering their past lives recently caused a stir. 5-year-old Luke Ruehlman, who lives in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA confirmed in another life, the boy was a 30-year-old black woman, who died trying to jump out of a burning building in 1993.

Picture 1 of The boy remembered his previous life as a woman who died in a fire
5-year-old Luke Ruehlman

Ms. Erika, Luke's mother shared with Fox8, said that since 2 years old, Luke has started to have many strange expressions. Luke often tells a lot about this woman. The boy kept talking to his mother "When I was a woman, I had black hair" or "I used to wear earrings like this" before.

Ms. Erika also said Luke kept saying that the boy was a woman who had died earlier in a fire and was "pushed back to the earth to be an infant".

Picture 2 of The boy remembered his previous life as a woman who died in a fire

At first, Erika thought only her son had a fantasy, but after that, Erika tried to use the information Luke told him and quickly found an old news story, referring to a woman. Pamela Robinsson, who died when the Paxton Hotel in Chicago was burned in 1993.

Picture 3 of The boy remembered his previous life as a woman who died in a fire

Picture 4 of The boy remembered his previous life as a woman who died in a fire
Ms. Pamela Robinson in the fire in 1993

In order to verify Luke's verbal verdict, the television station produced a series of images of many black women in their 30s and asked Luke to point out Pamela Robinson. And the boy was just accurate. Luke even described many of Pamela's character and interests in the past such as Stevie Wonder fans or like playing electronic games.

Picture 5 of The boy remembered his previous life as a woman who died in a fire

Luke's mother Erika found out and found what her son said very much like a house fire in 1993

Picture 6 of The boy remembered his previous life as a woman who died in a fire
Luke was just born