The city loses sleep because of fish calling for mates

The cry of Midshipman fish mate calling late at night makes many people in a British city unable to sleep.

Many people in the city of Southampton, Hamsphire County, England, said they had to do all sorts of things to sleep because of a mysterious night's noise, often beginning at 22:00 and lasting until morning. Even many people had to leave the area to search for a peaceful atmosphere at night.

Scientists are studying to verify whether a fish's call for a mate is the culprit.

Midshipman males often emit distinctive sounds to signal their partners. The cry can last for many hours, getting bigger and bigger as fishes fall into a thirst for love.

Picture 1 of The city loses sleep because of fish calling for mates
This fish's call for mates may be the reason many people have to go to sleep.(Photo: Daily Mail)

A lot of people complained about this scowl. At first, those who were uncomfortable blamed the heavy industry, but the manufacturers denied responsibility.

Linda Zammit, a local resident, said: 'First, I thought I was going crazy. I have to hear that sound every day, except for the rainy days. Whenever I woke up, I could not sleep again. '

A local official said the government had installed monitoring equipment to reduce the sound of fish cry.