The Curiosity ship drills a second nose on Mars

NASA's Curiosity Mars probe has made a second drill into the surface of the red planet to collect specimens for the analysis of life's traces, UPI said. know on 20/5.

The Curiosity used its robotic arm to drill straight into a rock called Cumberland , creating a bore of 1.6cm in diameter and 6.6cm deep, according to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). ) of NASA in Pasadena, California (USA).

Picture 1 of The Curiosity ship drills a second nose on Mars
The Curiosity drills performed on Mars on May 19, the 279th day since the probe landed on Mars - (Photo: NASA)

The JPL scientists said that the Curiosity vessel will analyze samples collected from the Cumberland rock to test "double" with findings from the rock samples collected at the first drill three months ago at The rock is named John Klein.

Early findings from the analysis of rock samples by John Klein of the Curiosity show that the area has favorable environmental conditions for microbial life, at least in the past.

The new specimen collected in the second drill of the Curiosity was about 2.75 meters to the west of the first specimen. Both are located in the Gale hole named after the Golden Dao bay (Yellowknife Bay), JPL scientists said.