The dark energy tracing project will help find the 9th planet

The Dark Energy Survey Project helps to shorten the search time and planet X can be accurately located at the end of this summer.

Dark Energy Survey (DES) is a project in the Southern hemisphere designed to explore the accelerating ability of the universe by observing the most distant galaxies. But since the beginning of the sunrise nearly three years ago, the project has proved that it is much more useful to answer endless secrets closer than expected.

Recent evidence suggests that the ninth planet in our solar system may be hiding in the data collected when DES performs the task. Thus, the 9th planet will be able to be found by the end of this summer, according to an expert telling Mail Online.

Picture 1 of The dark energy tracing project will help find the 9th planet
Observatory Station Cerro Tololo Inter-America (CTIO), Chile, home of the Dark Energy Camera project.

In January, astronomers were Professor Konstantin Batygin and Professor Mike Brown predicted the existence of "Planet Nine". They used simulated mathematical and computer models to find the planet - which would explain exactly the strange assemblage of a group of dwarf planets in the Kuiper belt.

Meanwhile, others call this planet "Planet X". It is said to be larger than the Earth and the planets farthest from the Sun more than 10 times. However, the exact position of X is not determined. From the above-ground prediction, researchers worldwide have used different tools to detect planet X.

Picture 2 of The dark energy tracing project will help find the 9th planet
Since January, information about the existence of the 9th planet in the solar system has gradually been confirmed by leading scientists, although its location has not been determined.

Project The dark energy survey DES has absolutely nothing to do with the search process X. However, casually, the data that DES has collected shows that DES has been on the right track and provides many parameters indicating the location X. member of DES, professor David Gerdes, from the University of Michigan, told MailOnline that "finding Planet Nine is just a coincidence".

However, experts also say if not found, it does not mean that planet X does not exist . Professor David Gerdes said: "If we see it, it is a great result and there will be an interesting article to write. But if we don't see it, the challenge is to work. to find out exactly what that means ".

Picture 3 of The dark energy tracing project will help find the 9th planet
The five-year DES dark energy survey project aims to detect what makes dark energy unrelated to the search for planet X but accidentally acquires data about the planet.

Using Dark Energy Survey to find planet X is unintentional but not surprising. The five-year project is helping astronomers understand exactly what dark energy is made of.

Picture 4 of The dark energy tracing project will help find the 9th planet
In March, a report showed that the distance between Earth and Saturn measured by NASA's Cassini could be used to narrow the range of planet X space that exists.

They are doing this by analyzing galaxies very far for a long time to observe objects moving very slowly. That is why the project takes such a long time. And this is also the reason why the DES survey is the perfect opportunity for many different scientific studies to be done at the same time, including finding the location of planet X.

Dark energy is a phrase used by physicists to describe a mysterious "something" that causes unusual things to happen in the universe. Although it is thought to account for three-quarters of the total energy-mass of the universe and plays an important role in the accelerating acceleration that is taking place (the expansion rate of the universe is increasing), Darkness is still beyond human knowledge.