The deformed calf was born in Belgium

Last week, Jean-Baptiste Collard believed he would not need the help of a local veterinarian to deliver his cow at the farm in Flamisoul, Belgium.

But he was shocked to see the heterosexual calf with two separate heads but the same brain, meaning both heads reacted simultaneously to everything. It also has 4 eyes and 2 mouths but only two ears.

Mr. Collard said in extreme surprise: ' I called the veterinarian when the cow was in labor because he realized this birth was complicated. The calf seems too big . The calf's legs came out first, so I pulled the rope in and pulled the calf out as always. But then the veterinarian shouted: ' It has two heads! '

Picture 1 of The deformed calf was born in Belgium

Double-headed calf at Mr. Collard's farm.(By Telegraph)

' An hour after I was born, I calmed down and sat down to feed him. That's when I noticed that both of its tongues worked. The vet explained this phenomenon because the calf has only one brain . "

' I hope the calf will live well. Now I feel attached to it. It is like a child to me. And I also saw that mother cows were very tight with calves. '

Currently, both calves and uncle are in good health, but in the long term, he may still face many difficulties.