The fierce battle for survival between the 'swamp king' and the most dangerous snake in Africa

In a rare event at Kruger National Park, an African crocodile hunted a Black Mamba , considered the most venomous and dangerous snake on the continent.

The black mamba is famous for its extremely powerful venom, which can kill humans in just a few hours if not treated promptly. This snake also possesses the fastest moving speed among snakes, up to 20 km/h, with a length that can reach 4.5 m. They often hunt small animals such as mice, birds, lizards, and even other snakes.

Picture 1 of The fierce battle for survival between the 'swamp king' and the most dangerous snake in Africa
The crocodile rushed to attack the black mamba.

For African people, the black mamba snake is a terrifying obsession because many people die from its bites every year. People here call the bite of a mamba snake "the kiss of death" because their terrible venom can cause an adult's heart to stop beating in just about 30 minutes. Without timely medical intervention, it can lead to death.

For comparison, the black mamba's venom is 3 times that of the African cobra (Cape Cobra), 5 times that of the king cobra (King cobra) and 40 times that of the Gaboon viper (Gaboon viper). This means that just one bite from a black mamba snake will have enough venom to kill 80 people at the same time, equivalent to 20 African elephants.

In the wild, just one bite of a black mamba can end the life of its prey within minutes.

However, in this incident, it was the black mamba that became the prey. While crawling down to the water's edge to drink water, the snake was careless and did not realize the presence of a lurking crocodile.

During the first attack, the crocodile appeared quite slow, perhaps due to surprise when discovering large prey. This gave the black mamba a chance to escape.

However, the crocodile did not give up easily. It quietly followed the snake and waited for the opportunity. And then, in one swift bite, the crocodile grabbed the poisonous snake and pulled it into the water.

Despite possessing strong venom and quick speed, the black mamba cannot escape the crocodile's sharp teeth and superior strength. The battle ended in victory for the large reptile.

This is a rare scene in nature, when one of the most dangerous snakes in the world becomes prey for another animal. It shows that, in the natural world, predators can also become prey if they let their guard down.

The incident also reminds people of the diversity and complexity of natural ecosystems. Each animal has a certain position and role in the food chain. An imbalance in one link can affect the entire ecosystem.