The flying robot makes a bartender

After a day's work at home, you want to rest and sip a favorite drink, press the button to instruct the robot to function bartender and serve in place.

That's the concept that Ukrainian student Herman Haydin put forward. The unmanned aerobatic robot will mix cocktails, coffee, tea and other drinks from the kitchen with the most profitable calorie recipes available to the owner (by body weight). Once the product is available, the robot will fly to serve the owner.

Picture 1 of The flying robot makes a bartender
Yura robots are able to act as a bartender - (photo: Electrolux)

This ambitious design concept is one of dozens of ideas for the Electrolux Design Lab finalists, other ideas such as laundry fish robots, free-flow bubble refrigerators ... very interesting.

Herman Haydin told the Daily Mail that the bartender named Yura could make cocktails by choosing fruit juices, mixing them by shaking like a real bartender. Water and other liquids contained in Yura are temperature controlled so it can be ordered to warm or cool the drink.

Equipped with a smart brain, Yura can respond to voice commands. When bringing drinks to serve, Yura also knows how to provide information about calories, carbohydrates, fat and protein that will bring the owner to use the glass.

Herman Haydin even has the ambition to teach Yura how to charge his battery when it's near full power.