The fusion reactor is 7 times hotter than the core of the Sun.

The plasma electricity will push the temperature in the UK's Tokamak ST40 fusion reactor to 100 million degrees Celsius, providing clean power to the national grid by 2030.

At the heart of the reactor, the temperature could reach 100 million degrees Celsius by 2018, according to Worl Nuclear News. This is the temperature needed to trigger a hydrogen fusion reaction into helium and release energy.

This is Tokamak Energy's third-generation reactor, the last step before the inclusion of thermonuclear power in grid electricity by 2030. The energy generated by the fusion reaction is pure energy and almost no end, no radioactive waste like traditional fission reactors. Its only waste is helium inert gas . Next, researchers will have to find a way to convert fusion energy into electricity.

Picture 1 of The fusion reactor is 7 times hotter than the core of the Sun.
Tokamak ST40 fusion reactor.

"Today is an important day for the development of fusion energy in the UK as well as the world." We announce the world's first fusion device designed, built and operated by a home venture capitalists, "said David Kingham, managing director of Tokamak Energy.

"We are halfway through and will provide commercial-scale fusion energy by 2030."

The disadvantage of fusion reactors is that it is very difficult to keep very high temperatures at the heart of the furnace. 100 million degrees Celsius, seven times the temperature at the core of the Sun, need to be maintained in a donut-shaped "magnetic bottle" for long enough for the fusion reaction to take place. To create this temperature, first the plasma (the fourth state of the matter, consisting only of charged particles), will be contained in a vacuum chamber, which then flows through it for heating.

Two superconducting magnetic coils will be used to generate the magnetic field both horizontally and vertically, creating a "magnetic cage" to accommodate and shape the plasma. The temperature generated by the plasma electricity will reach one-third of the 100-degree Celsius level. Next, the hydrogen atoms will be electrically charged into the high-speed plasma stream. They will be ionized and trapped in the magnetic field, reducing the speed and transferring energy to the plasma, further heating the furnace to reach 100 million degrees Celsius.