The habit of going to class is making the scores of college students drop

Almost all students get it, but no one will change this habit.

Development science and human learning conditions are increasingly improved. This leads to the fact that classes are gradually digitized. Students in many places are encouraged to buy laptops and bring them to school to take notes, instead of writing them in the traditional way.

This development seems like a good trend, and there's no doubt that laptops, computers or smartphones are very useful tools for learning.

Picture 1 of The habit of going to class is making the scores of college students drop
Many students use laptops when going to school.

However, it seems that this trend is gradually countering, according to a recent study by a professor from the University of Michigan (USA).

Specifically, Susan Ravizza - the assistant professor of psychology at the University of Michigan followed and recognized the growing trend of students taking laptops to class. After that, she decided to do a research on how students use laptops in class.

And the results are ominous. People still think that laptops will help students learn and search more easily. It is true, but the fact that these tools also make their education neglected.

Picture 2 of The habit of going to class is making the scores of college students drop
But they don't use it to learn.

In previous traditional classes - where students only listen to lectures and write, it is very difficult to do private work in class. Actions such as writing, drawing, reading newspapers . can be detected. Even using smartphones is very easy to reveal.

But the laptop is different. It is difficult to know what students are doing with it. And in fact, laptops are also the most distracting source , not only for users themselves, but also for those sitting around.

Using a laptop can drag students' scores down

Professor Ravizza uses a private server to monitor the Internet usage habits of 84 students in a class of 507 people.

The results show that 1/3 of the time in class is used for personal work. That is, students seek, read information that is not related to the lecture and the academic purpose.

Next, they compared the final scores of these students and found a somewhat obvious fact: those who surf the web in more classes have lower scores.

Picture 3 of The habit of going to class is making the scores of college students drop
Laptops are also the most distracting source.

But there are many other causes that affect scores. Therefore, Ravizza has added a number of factors: the excitement of the lecture, the motivation of learning, the intelligence . The result? As more surfers students still score lower. And if you try to compare the level of influence on the score, using a laptop can drag about 5% of students' scores.

Does the benefit of taking laptops to school compensate for harm?

It's also undeniable that the benefits of laptops are completely undeniable. The question is: Do students use laptops entirely for learning purposes?

And the truth is there are students like that. They use laptops to search for unknown information about the lecture. In analysis, the experts found that this did not involve their higher scores. That is, even if students really seek information to learn, there is no benefit compared to the harm it causes.

Picture 4 of The habit of going to class is making the scores of college students drop
The use of a laptop can drag about 5% of students' scores.

So you understand what you should do? Laptop should be in its place, and study seriously.