Pointless homework with students?

A study of 18,000 school-age children in the United States found that homework assignments did not improve their grades in the classroom.

According to the Daily Mail, researchers from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, the US reviewed a copy of school records and study data for more than 18,000 10th graders in the country. They found that adding homework did not help students gain higher academic scores.

Robert Tai, associate professor of educational science at the University of Virginia and co-author of the study, said: 'We still don't see clearly that the more time students spend spending homework, The higher the score, the higher the grade or the higher overall test results. What we pay attention to, is that homework is only delivered home instead of being used in conjunction with what is taught in class'.

Picture 1 of Pointless homework with students?
According to researchers, doing homework does not help
Increase the class score of students. (Photo: Getty Images)

Tai and his research do not imply that all kinds of homework are useless, especially in the field of mathematics. The research results on the effect of homework in math seem quite optimistic.

"Students who spend about half an hour doing homework maths report their grade scores and their test scores are actually better ," Tai said.

This researcher claims, his work and his colleagues are a wake-up call for educators.

'Teachers need to be clearer about why they give assignments and assignments for what purpose. If teachers do not really link their assignments to their teaching, the effectiveness of assigning assignments will not be clear and in fact can eventually harm students , 'Tai emphasized.

The Tai group's research points to factors such as adequate school attendance and active participation in class sessions that are better signs of student learning. The final authors propose more research on the form and function of homework types.