Going to check? Stay away from red

If you are going to take an important exam, do not sit next to a person in red. The latest research results show that just a glimpse of red color also affects homework.

Picture 1 of Going to check?  Stay away from red (Photo: usu.edu) Although a previous study suggested that wearing a red outfit while competing would help athletic athletes gain an advantage, it didn't work like that with brainstorm .

People often associate colors with a certain mood and for many people, red creates a sense of danger. If you want peace and quiet? Sit next to the person in blue.

" External colors are aesthetic, there is a certain meaning and information transmission ," said lead psychologist Andrew J. Elliot at the University of Rochester, USA.

In a series of tests, high school and college students were assigned to take tests, where the issue number in the upper right corner of the test paper had a certain color. These colors include green, red and gray. When the number is red, the contestants' work is worse.

According to the researchers, the results show that it is necessary to be cautious when using red in tests. Research has also shown that color can have an important impact on human behavior.