The hundred-year reishi mushroom grows under ancient roots

Ganoderma that weighs more than 5kg is found on the border between Que Dong and Xi Lang districts in Hunan, China.

Picture 1 of The hundred-year reishi mushroom grows under ancient roots
Hundred year-old Ganoderma in Hunan, China.(Photo: China News).

Sina on March 30 reported that local farmers named Chen Yuan found a precious mushroom under an old tree. The mushroom has a diameter of 74cm, is 39cm wide and 15cm thick, weighs 5.3kg. According to experts, this lingzhi tree over 100 years old is very rare.

Ganoderma lucidum , the scientific name is Ganoderma lucidum , belongs to Mushroom Lim family. Ganoderma is used by the ancients as a medicinal ingredient and classified as superior in ginseng.

Research by scientists shows that in the reishi mushroom contains 21 trace elements necessary for the body's metabolism and metabolism: copper, iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium . In addition, Ganoderma also works to prevent cancer, fight aging and increase life expectancy. According to traditional medicine, Ganoderma is light, warm, uses cans, sedation, memory increase.