The hyena snapped off the giraffe's leg and was dumbfounded because of what happened afterwards

Ganoderma wandered away after the prey but could not 'do it'.

The video shows the moment when a giraffe was seriously injured by a hyena attacking South Africa last Friday.

Picture 1 of The hyena snapped off the giraffe's leg and was dumbfounded because of what happened afterwards
Hyenas follow a giraffe that is bitten by a broken leg.

The video was shot in Kruger National Park, according to the Daily Mail.

Initially, hyenas can follow the deer, seemingly preparing to eat their prey. One leg of the giraffe was bitten by a hyena nearly leaving the poor animal to go with 3 legs.

But the smart baby giraffe has run towards the mother, the animal is much larger.

The video shows the mother giraffe running out to protect her and watch the wound.

The appearance of mother deer makes hyenas leave in regret.

According to witnesses, it is only a matter of time before another predator attacks the deer and the wound will prevent it from escaping for the second time.