The incredible truth behind the lamp

The secret in ancient tombs from ancient times has always been the subject of evoking the curiosity and imagination of posterity. Among them there exists a mysterious mystery about a thousand-year lamp that does not turn off.

Legend has it that Minh Dang School is the lights that never turn out, even though they are hundreds or even thousands of years. It is thanks to the light of those lamps that many ancient tombs of kings, aristocrats are still magnificent, magnificent like the brilliant royal palace.

So where is the secret that the light never turns off? Is Minh Dang school the "security" hidden behind many mystical things that the ancients created?

The mysteries behind the "thousands of years not off" lamp will be revealed by to you soon!

Picture 1 of The incredible truth behind the lamp
The lamps still burning after centuries are one of the mysteries related to ancient tombs that are particularly attractive to the next generation.(Illustration).

The "millennia lights don't turn off" in both the East and the West

Minh Dang School is a type of light that the ancient people used to light on the night of the 30th or during worship occasions. It is said that this lamp is called "smart" because light is not easily extinguished.

This lamp was once used in the ancient tombs of kings and nobles in both the East and the West.

At the tombs of the Emperor of China, Truong Minh Dang was discovered quite a lot. This stems from the conception of the ancient people that the emperor's resting place in the afterlife must be as glorious and bright as the palace.

In some tombs of ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman civilizations, these lamps were also used thousands of years ago in the belief that the light of the Changming lights could ward off darkness. and paving the way for the deceased.

In the previous period, the discoveries of "thousands of years not off" lamps in the ancient tombs shocked the world archaeological world.

In the year 1400, the old history recorded the appearance of Truong Minh Dang in an ancient Roman tomb. Accordingly, when the excavators entered, the light from that lamp persisted despite being more than 2,000 years old.

The more miraculous is that the lamp, despite the wind, meets the water "is still without fear", the only way to turn off the light is to pour the liquid inside out.

Picture 2 of The incredible truth behind the lamp
At the tombs of the Emperor of China, Truong Minh Dang was discovered quite a lot.(Illustration).

In 1610, the tomb of an alchemist named Carlos Cruz was first excavated after 120 years. When opening the door to the tomb, those who witnessed it were surprised to find a lamp still burning despite being buried for more than a century.

The truth about the light source inside the ancient tombs

In previous centuries, Truong Minh Dang was a mystery that challenged archaeologists around the world.

According to researchers at that time, this lamp is usually made of brass or iron, made into two floors. However, from the structure to the material or the light of Truong Minh Dang, there is nothing special.

Therefore, the experts concluded that the "key" to help those lamps still burn even though they have lived for hundreds of thousands of years is in fuel. Although Truong Minh Dang's fuel was identified as animal fat. But people at that time did not determine which animal's fat was.

There was a post-stage doubt that Minh Dang's fuel was made from a creature's body that seemed to be only in the legend - "mermaid".

Accordingly, "beauty" is a species of human head, fish, tears will turn into pearls. Many also noted that ancient people often hunted this kind of creature to dry, took high oil into candles.

"Mermaid" candles have extremely expensive prices, but can burn up to thousands of years without turning off. Nobles and kings at that time often took that as Minh Minh Dang to light in their tombs.

However, the legend remains forever a legend. Because the truth is that mermaids exist or not, no one has dared to assert now, but the way to make fuel of Truong Minh Dang early has also been lost.

Picture 3 of The incredible truth behind the lamp
The shape of a Chang Ming Dang lamp was discovered in the ancient tomb.(Photo: Internet source).

In order to explain the principles of Minh Dang's operation, an American physicist, Simon Efik, spent 31 years of his life studying this light.

He succeeded in using sulfur and some other fuels to create the Changming lamp. But his light could only burn for 50 hours.

Over the years with the development of human science and civilization, the secret of the thousands of years of lights not extinguished in the ancient imperial tombs has finally been answered.

The truth is that the Changming light bulbs, despite being able to burn for a long time, cannot burn for thousands of years as we often imagine.

The characteristics of Minh Dang School, as well as other oil lamps, require air to maintain the fire. Furthermore, the wick of this lamp is believed to have white phosphorus and easily ignites itself when it comes to oxygen.

Therefore, this lamp is usually lit before the ancient tombs are sealed and will turn off when the atmosphere in the grave is depleted. Centuries later, at the time the tomb was opened, the air poured in to make Truong Minh Dang self-ignite.

Therefore, it can be said that Truong Minh Dang is not really burnt lamp trees for centuries.In fact, it only glows when the ancient tombs are opened again!