The intense past of interstellar traveling objects visits the solar system

The unusual somersault of the Oumuamua asteroid may be due to a violent collision with another celestial body billions of years ago.

New research by a team of scientists at Queen's University in Belfast, Ireland indicates Oumuamua, first flying over Earth last October, once had a very violent, Independent history.

Oumuamua is a small asteroid-like object or comet, born in a completely different planetary system and travels through the solar system. When discovered by astronomers in Hawaii, this object immediately attracted the attention of the world by its unusual characteristics.

The elongated shape of nothing is like anything scientists have ever seen in the solar system. The object appears to be covered with organic material that helps protect the inner ice core from solar radiation.

Picture 1 of The intense past of interstellar traveling objects visits the solar system
Oumuamua asteroids may have experienced strong collisions with a planetary dummy in its system billions of years ago.(Photo: BBC).

Some scientists have scanned the surface of Oumuamua to find traces of alien technology but failed. However, Dr. Wesley Fraser and colleagues at Queen's University, Belfast, have published a series of studies on this object in an effort to discover its mysteries. In the latest study published in Nature Astronomy, they give a more accurate biography of Oumuamua, its origin and where it is coming.

"We know that in addition to the unusually long form, Oumuamua originates around another star, having had a fierce past and turbulent chaos, " Dr. Fraser said. "The results of our research really help portray a more complete picture of this strange interstellar travel messenger. It is quite unusual compared to most asteroids and comets that they I have seen in the solar system ".

Through analyzing the results of measuring the brightness of objects and how the data change over time, the researchers found that Oumuamua did not rotate periodically like most objects in the solar system, but rotated chaotically. . According to Fraser's group, Oumuamua may have been in this state for billions of years and will certainly continue to do so in the near future.

"Our model of this celestial body shows that the somersault will last from billions of years to hundreds of billions of years before the internal pressure makes it rotate normally. Although it does not know the cause of the situation. The bum, we predict it is due to the force of impact from colliding with another planetary imitation in its system before being shot into interstellar space , " said Dr. Fraser.

Another mysterious feature of Oumuamua is color . Preliminary reports show the object is dark red, but Dr. Fraser's research indicates that its surface is really speckled. When the long side of Oumuamua turns towards Earth, it is mostly red, but the new analysis proves that the rest of the celestial body is definitely neutral in color like "dirt stained" , said Fraser. .