The meaning of mask types 'obsessive people' in history

Find out the mysterious story behind the "mouth gag" mask, shame mask, mask for the dead .

Through the length of historical development, the mask - the symbol of mystery "hiding the human face for the purpose" has become diverse in both style and function.

Find out the origin and the mysterious stories behind the interesting masks below.

1. Mask of "mouth gag"

Due to lack of food, the land is also one of the most popular foods of slaves in West Africa in the XVI - XIX century. However, the doctor at the time said that the use of land as a dish would make slaves suffer from diseases such as depression, abdominal pain, ascites, loss of appetite, shortness of breath and dizziness.

Picture 1 of The meaning of mask types 'obsessive people' in history

Therefore, in order to protect their 'property' , the slave class has tried to prevent this bad habit with a lot of tools, including the mouth mask. Slaves are forced to wear this mask 24/7 to prevent them from eating their own soil.

For the slave owner, the "therapy" for treating this earthly habit is primarily a form of torture and is aimed at controlling and preventing slaves from "slouching" the agricultural products they harvest.

2. Mask of Lady Rowley

In the 1890s, this mask was widely sold as a beauty treatment for ladies, making the skin always white and smooth. Even the inventor of this mask - Lady Rowley was awarded a patent by the Academy of Korea. In essence, this mask is very normal, until it appears on the face of Dr. Hannibal Lecter in the movie "The Silence of the Lambs".

Picture 2 of The meaning of mask types 'obsessive people' in history

According to the documents, users will wear this mask while sleeping to sweat with chemicals that lighten and smooth the skin in the mask to tighten pores, support blood circulation.

However, according to dermatologists, this treatment only causes skin wrinkles and helps the fungus develop conditions to cause skin infections, destroying the beauty gradually.

3. Visard mask

The ladies living in the sixteenth century were very excited when walking around the town with a black mask covering the entire face. This mask is called Vissard with the effect of protecting the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight and dust.

Picture 3 of The meaning of mask types 'obsessive people' in history

Behind the mouth of the mask, there is a small bead to help the woman bite to hold the mask.

It is thought that this mask helps the ladies look more mysterious. But, according to Phillip Stubbles - a writer now, if a man meets a lady wearing a Visard mask, he will be haunted by eyes hidden deep in two black holes behind the mask's thick glasses.

This strange fashion trend was ostracized from the seventeenth century when Visard masks were attached to prostitutes.

4. Splatter mask

Although it looks like a medieval torture tool, this mask was used by British armored soldiers during World War I.

Picture 4 of The meaning of mask types 'obsessive people' in history

During that time, tanks have not been equipped with modern weapons and have the same destructive power as today. Speed ​​moves only by pedestrians and is easily destroyed with heavy artillery. The armored vehicles in the car are easily damaged by shrapnel, rivets and metal.

Therefore, the Splatter mask was invented to help British soldiers protect the head and neck during the war. It can be said that this mask is a shameful demonstration of the British military's weapons production technology at that time.

5. Anti-toxic gas mask for children

If the toxic gas mask for adults is not 'horrible', the mask for children will be a haunting experience for you.

Picture 5 of The meaning of mask types 'obsessive people' in history

During World War I and II, masks for children take the form of a hooded helmet, to help children prevent poisoning from the attack of biological weapons. These masks are extremely heavy due to the addition of gas injection systems and poison elimination.

During this period in the United States, the Mickey Mouse mask also came out to encourage the campaign to popularize this type of mask for children. However, the mask made many people obsessed when the glass on the mask reflected the image of innocent children, screaming .

6. Shame mask

In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Schandmaskes (shame mask) is a form of punishment in Germany, for those who violate social rules such as defaming others, profanity, lies, deception .

This mask creates an indescribably bizarre feeling for viewers when they see sinners wearing them.

Picture 6 of The meaning of mask types 'obsessive people' in history

This mask is made of iron, rough and grainy, 'decorated' with pig nose and strange details to humiliate the criminal as much as possible. For example, donkey ears represent idiots, long tongues represent 'eight-grandmother,' a giant pig nose manifests to a dirty person.

Some masks also have noticeable whistles such as whistles whenever the offender breathes, turning the offender into the heart of everyone's insults, insults and distractions.

Germany's shameful mask takes 'inspiration' from Britain's 'humiliating reign' , a form similar to Germany, but mostly applied to women.

7. The mask of the dead

The plaster plaster mask was first used to portray the portrait of the deceased. This is a kind of horror mask with a ghostly expressionless face that once "stormed the wind" in the twentieth century.

This mask is used for many purposes such as decoration, serving forensic work, performing religious rituals or simply a keepsake of remembrance of the dead.

Picture 7 of The meaning of mask types 'obsessive people' in history

Gypsum mask physicians start the work as soon as the deceased dies to ensure the body is warm and not decomposed.

Thanks to the bravery of these doctors, we now have the opportunity to admire the 'face' of Napoleon emperor, President Lincoln, Queen Mary Mary, Beethoven and many other famous historical figures. .

8. The false mask of the Iroquois

Many indigenous cultures possess mysterious, frightening masks, symbolizing religious and religious rituals of indigenous people. And one of the scariest masks is the false mask of the American Iroquois.

Picture 8 of The meaning of mask types 'obsessive people' in history

This mask is sculpted from wood and corn stalks with bizarre shapes, often used in healing rituals when the patient cannot be cured by another method.

This mask is the embodiment of a soul. Displaying or copying masks is divine blasphemy and will have to pay with life. Therefore, they are kept very careful when they are "massaged" with animal fat or "raised" by white corn porridge . If any family ruins the mask, evil diseases will cause The whole family died the next day.