The moment of birth of a star

The Hubble Space Telescope captures stunning images of the birth of a distant star.

>>>  Dear ALMA, taking a picture of a star is born

Picture 1 of The moment of birth of a star
Image of the process of forming a star - (Photo: NASA / JPL / ESA)

The US Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has announced the latest image taken by Hubble's glass, the moment a newborn star shines in a cloud of gold gas and dust.

According to, why IRAS 14568-6304 lies about 2,500 light-years from Earth, can be observed at the Cirnicus complex molecular cloud, one of the most intense star-producing regions.

The new figurative star shines especially because it emits a jet-like tail containing pre-stellar matter, which is a remnant of gas and dust from the original cloud that produced this star.

Stars are formed when a cloud of gas collapses under its gravity attraction to form a hot core.

However, every gas and dust material does not always focus on the star, and the remainder as in the case of IRAS 14568-6304, will in the future form a planet or asteroid.