The more books the house has, the more children learn

Educators have long argued that high levels of parental education are the most important indicator of predicting the future of their children.

Picture 1 of The more books the house has, the more children learn

However, a new study shows that children growing up in families with many books will study significantly higher than those without books.

The survey results in 73,249 people in 27 countries showed that the presence of about 500 books in the home increased the time of attending a child by 3.2 years.

A child born in a family has only 1 book, with parents with average education having an average duration of 9.4 years. Meanwhile, a child has a similar family background but there are 500 books in the house with a study period of 12.6 years.

This effect of books is noted in many countries, regardless of their parents' education and occupation, gross domestic income and the nation's political system.

Source: Live Science