The most spacecraft flying near the Sun will be launched in 2018

NASA said it is completing the Solar Probe Plus spacecraft (SPP), designed for solar exploration, to prepare to launch into space in the summer of 2018. SPP is a spacecraft flying near its face. the heaviest man ever built, it will operate at a distance of 6 million km from the fireball, at temperatures up to 1400 degrees C.

Picture 1 of The most spacecraft flying near the Sun will be launched in 2018
Solar Probe Plus will be the fastest flying object ever built by humans.

SPP is being developed at NASA's Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) based in Maryland, USA. This spacecraft has completed the design phase, is going through the assembly and testing phase to launch into space in the next 2 years. Andy Driesman, chair of the SPP project, said: "Achieving this stage has a great significance for us and investors. Show that we have designed a discoverable spacecraft. the harshness of the Sun, to send data that scientists have been yearning for decades. "

Solar Probe Plus will carry 4 equipment to study the magnetic field, the solar wind and the energy field surrounding this giant fireball. The collected data will help NASA research and better understand the weather in space.

APL said the SPP spacecraft must operate at extremely harsh conditions, at a distance of 6 million km from the Sun, the temperature will reach 1400 degrees Celsius. So it will be equipped with a protective layer of insulation. heat is up to 11.5cm thick. At the same time, SPP is not only a spacecraft that helps NASA study the Sun but it is also an important step in aerospace technology, which has a flying speed designed to approach the sun's orbit. up to 200km / s, ie 720,000km / h, is the fastest flying object ever built by humans.