The mystery behind the world's most dangerous object

A mass of about 3m ugly radioactive material with a wrinkled surface, like bark and glass, was formed during the Chernobyl disaster in April 1986 named 'death heart' - this is The world's most dangerous object.

It was discovered in December 1986 in a basement underneath the No.4 reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. This deadly object has a strong radioactivity, rarely photographed.

Picture 1 of The mystery behind the world's most dangerous object
Extremely rare image of the world's most dangerous object was captured.

After the initial explosion, nearly 600,000 workers went to the construction site to help prevent deadly radiation leaks in 1986. More than 30 of them died within a few months of the incident. Thousands of others have been exposed to huge doses of radiation causing cancer and other health problems in the following years.

But the intense radiation comes from the 'dead heart - elephant's leg' - so called because it is similar to one of the giant animal's big feet, which can reduce your lifespan very quickly. .

The reason for this is because just a few minutes of exposure to this "dead heart" will cause scary consequences such as cell destruction, vomiting, diarrhea and uncontrollable death. .

When the 'elephant's legs' formed, it was so hot that it melted through the thick meter of caves, eventually coming into contact with groundwater under the reactor and poisoning the water source for many kilometers around.

The most famous picture of the "dead heart" has a mysterious history, apparently taken by Artur Kyerev, deputy director of the Project Shelter Object, under the reaction room 217 of the nuclear reactor. Chernobyl was wrecked in 1996.

The Object Shelter is a giant steel and concrete structure containing 200 tons of radioactivity, 30 tons of highly contaminated dust and 16 tons of uranium and plutonium at Chernobyl.

Viktor KorneevTim Ledbetter , who compiled a digital photo library for the US Department of Energy's International Nuclear Safety Project, is not sure where he originally got this image.

All he knew was that it showed Kyerev standing next to the most dangerous object on Earth.

Kyerev visited Chernobyl more than anyone else, and in doing so was exposed to more radiation than most people in history. All that is known is that he has set up a camera with a timer to capture extraordinary images.

The fuzzy texture of the image attributed to the deadly radiation comes from the 'Elephant's Foot', even 10 years after its formation. When discovered for the first time, it emitted radiation to kill people in minutes. Even today, 33 years after the disaster, it is heated by radioactive decay and is a major danger to human health.

It was so hard and dense that no ordinary drill could penetrate it, even though the Russian authorities had tried to fire the AK-47 on it, but only caused some minor damage on its surface. .