The mystery of why you Thien Lang (Sirius) and Doxiang people

Picture 1 of The mystery of why you Thien Lang (Sirius) and Doxiang people

Doxiang people

The MaLi republic is located in western Africa. On the banks of the Nil River of this country there is an Aboriginal people named Doxiang.

Their lives are the main crop and nomadic. Their life is very poor, most people live in rural areas or in some caves in the mountains. They do not have their own writing, from life to death only passed on by mouth, and marked the incident. From this point of view, they are no different from other West African black peoples. But the religious rituals they performed brought many surprises and attracted the attention of anthropologists and astronomers around the world.

Picture 2 of The mystery of why you Thien Lang (Sirius) and Doxiang people Every 600 years, when Thien Thien Lang appears between two peaks, Doxiang people celebrate the most important and greatest religious ceremonies in their religious life.

In the 20s of the twentieth century, two French anthropologists Gria and Didelun went to West Africa to eat with the Doxiang people for 10 years. By long-term interaction, they have gained the trust and affection of the Doxiang people. From the high-class shaman, they learned the Doxiang people in the process of maintaining their religious beliefs for hundreds of thousands of years, always hiding the exact knowledge of an astronomical phenomenon. In the mystical religious doctrine of the Doxiang people preserve the thorough documentation of a star so far away, that this star hundreds of years ago could not be seen with the naked eye. To this day, without the help of the most modern telescope, it cannot be observed or measured.

Picture 3 of The mystery of why you Thien Lang (Sirius) and Doxiang people


This star is the star of the star Thien Lang. Doxiang people call "Pak Tolu", "Pak " means "small", "Tolu" means "star". They also say this is the "heaviest star" in white. It is strange that the Doxiang people have said exactly three basic characteristics of this star: Small, heavy and white. In fact, why is Thien Lang your true white dwarf.

Called a white star, not a particular star is called, but a common name for a star with "white" and "dwarf" points. "White" states its temperature is very high, the outside temperature of a dwarf white star about 10,000 degrees Celsius emits white light, "dwarf" stating its volume is small. Astronomers say: One, two hundred dwarf white stars are joined together as big as the Sun, while the smallest dwarf white star is only one-thousandth of a thousand solar masses.

In the southeast sky and winter each year, we can see the starry star (like the Female Star, the Sun) brightest in the sky, it is the star of Heavenly Star. Its volume is twice as large as the Sun, but its light is 20 times that of the Sun. Picture 4 of The mystery of why you Thien Lang (Sirius) and Doxiang people

Ceremony of worship

Beside it, there is a small star who can't see around, this little star is why you are Thien Lang. Although it has a small body, its body weight is very large, just as the Doxiang people said it was a dwarf white.

Astronomers surmise, why did Thien Lang have in 1844. They judged why Thien Lang is bound to be influenced by the attraction of another star, thereby leading to its movement without regulation. switches. In 1930, thanks to the help of telescopes with far-sighted and modern astronomical devices, it was realized that it was an enclosed star (starling) with a small volume but a density. very big.

But for humans on Earth, that star is too far away and it is too small, making people begin to doubt whether it could affect the Star of Heaven.

Picture 5 of The mystery of why you Thien Lang (Sirius) and Doxiang people

Star motion trajectory with Thien Lang

We cannot help but ask, Doxiang people live in caves in Africa, how can there be knowledge of this star? Was it based on a hunch? Not only that, the Doxiang people also correctly paint on the star oval orbits with Thien Lang moving around Thien Lang, compared with astronomers' observations almost no mistake at all. The Doxiang people say that the orbital cycle of the star with Thien Lang is 49.5 years (in fact the exact number is 50.04 years), it itself rotates around the axis of motion (this is also the paradise endorsement literature). The Doxiang believe that stars with Thien Lang are the stars created by the gods, the center of the Universe. In addition, they knew very early astronomical knowledge about planets around the Earth. For example, Jupiter has four major satellites, they have four types of calendaring methods, sequentially taking the Sun, Celestial Stars, Moon and Venus as bases.

Picture 6 of The mystery of why you Thien Lang (Sirius) and Doxiang people

Na Sample

The local priests do, their astronomical knowledge is obtained by the wisdom of Sao Lang's system to go to the Earth to the Doxiang people, they call this creature Na Mau. . In the Doxiang legend, Na Mau from somewhere in the East - the present Doxiang homeland to Earth. The appearance of Na Model just like fish and just like human, is a species of bipolar living in the water.

In the paintings and dances of the Doxiang people keep legends related to Na Mau. Doxiang people always believe that their people are not living on Picture 7 of The mystery of why you Thien Lang (Sirius) and Doxiang people the present land, they are descendants of the Berber, an ancient nation in North Africa. The Berber people first lived in the north of the Sahara desert. From the first and second centuries AD they began to move south, to marry black people, so gradually they became blacks. Although Judaism has a great influence, they still keep their own religion.

The knowledge about Sao Thien Lang that the Doxiang people keep passing through yearly still fully coincides with the knowledge about this star that modern astronomers understand. Where did they get that miraculous astronomical knowledge? It can be affirmed that without telescopes, people cannot see stars with Thien Lang. But the ancient Doxiangs certainly do not have telescopes. Is it true that the knowledge they have is taught by the creature of the star Thien Lang? If not, then the knowledge about How did Doxiang's Thien Lang come from?