The neural neuron of the worm senses magnetic fields

Science has long known that some species have the ability to orient themselves by sensing the Earth's magnetic field. The question is why do they work and humans need compasses. A new study has revealed this secret.

Worms perceive magnetic fields

Animals that are able to sense Earth's magnetic field most closely to humans are probably pigeons. Thanks to that ability, this bird can find its way to the nest even though it is hundreds of kilometers away.

Picture 1 of The neural neuron of the worm senses magnetic fields
Illustration of Earth's magnetic field - (Photo: internet)

The team at the University of Texas in Austin, Texas (USA) observed a small worm called Caenorhabditis elegans in many laboratories around the world. They found the worm was able to sense from school, according to Science World Report (USA).

After that, they researched to find out which organs help the worm have this ability. This is considered one of the most mysterious things in zoology , according to RT.

They discovered under a microscope a structure called AFD neuron . It is like a micro antenna capable of sensing magnetic fields as well as CO2 content and air temperature.

In another experiment, scientists destroyed the AFD neuron. The worm lost its ability to direct. This could bring a breakthrough in biology because it is possible that organisms possessing other magnetic sensing abilities have the same mechanism as the Caenorhabditis elegans worm.

'' It is possible that AFD-like structures also appear on other animals such as butterflies and birds. This discovery gives us a better understanding of the animal's ability to sense magnetic fields , " said scientist Jon Pierce-Shimomura, a member of the research team.