The obvious things that make science unexplainable

Quite a lot of people are sure that they understand the origins of the basic concepts in school and consider them simple and obvious. However, you will be surprised to learn that there are concepts that become essential because scientists also give up on them.

Let's explore these things by summarizing from Cracked page through the article below.

1. Composition of water

It can be said that water is the most basic substance and it is almost everywhere in existence. Water accounts for ¾ of the Earth's surface area and more than 70% of our bodies.

However, the truth is that we know too little about this very common compound. This is a fairly complex and mysterious compound .

Picture 1 of The obvious things that make science unexplainable

The best example to show this is ice . Normally, any liquid that freezes or becomes solid, the volume decreases. But water is the opposite, when it freezes, its volume increases, estimated at 9%.

This explains why there is a break in the plumbing in snowy areas when the temperature drops too low. Or the water bottle in the freezer sometimes breaks, maybe even exploding when the temperature drops to 0 degrees C . all because the volume of water when freezing increases and causes great force.

Picture 2 of The obvious things that make science unexplainable

There are a lot of theories that have been proposed, some argue that due to bubbles in the water, when frozen, these bubbles remain, causing the volume of ice to expand. However, there is no really satisfactory explanation.

Besides, another mystery of water is the slippery of ice . Why is the tape so smooth that it can slide? It has been more than a century since this question has been asked yet to be answered.

But the strangeness of water is not only that. The Mpemba effect has brought about a strange phenomenon, which is in a certain condition - when co-cooled, hot water can freeze faster than cold water.

2. Velocity of time

We can create the future, change the present, but cannot have any impact on the past. With that, time passes, everything is " old ". Those are the most basic things about time. But the truth is that time is more complicated. Time is like an illusion , rather than a fixed variable in science.

Picture 3 of The obvious things that make science unexplainable

According to Albert Einstein , we experience time with relative velocity. People sitting really have a slower aging time than people moving (but the difference is extremely small so no one can recognize it). This has been proven by global GPS satellite system.

Satellites need to calculate and adjust the time corresponding to Earth because the time on satellites is much slower than on Earth. This also explains why the travelers after a while in the universe, when returning to younger than their peers.

Picture 4 of The obvious things that make science unexplainable

In addition, the reason 'time line' only moves in the same direction with us is still making scientists 'bundle'. But no matter how much money and money have been lost, the mystery of time's solution is still left open.

3. The mysterious ability of plants

We know that plants are located at the bottom of the food chain, they do not have a brain, do not feel, nor move. It seems that they are born for breathing and metabolism only.

Picture 5 of The obvious things that make science unexplainable

But do you feel shocked when you know, plants even . know how to do math? Studies at the John Innes Center in Norwich, England have shown that plants contain the ability to . solve equations.

They use this ability to calculate the amount of starch stored at night and adjust the serving size when receiving the sun. But all are done unconsciously, because plants without a control center are brains like animals. And yet, trees can communicate actively in their own way, which can be vibration, swing or smell.

Picture 6 of The obvious things that make science unexplainable

For example, when mowing grass, we often smell fresh and strong smell, or the characteristic smell of that grass. It is the scent of plants used for help. The plants do not have the nervous system like other organisms, but they have a separate structure that is enough to feel pain, thus emitting a scent that warns nearby neighbors.

However, scientists have not explained why plants have this characteristic, because no matter how dangerous the warning is . they don't have legs to run.

4. The infinite number of Pi numbers

What we often know about Pi numbers (the symbol π), is an irrational number, also called infinite non-periodic decimal numbers. We often use Pi numbers to calculate perimeter, circle area . However, according to scientists, Pi numbers can be . everything.

As mentioned above, π is an irrational number, meaning that this is a sequence of numbers that has no end and cannot be predicted. This also means that we cannot accurately calculate the circumference or area of ​​the circle.

Picture 7 of The obvious things that make science unexplainable

Scientists even argue that the whole universe cannot contain everything π, because it is an infinite number sequence. But not only that, this infinite sequence is not according to the rule , ie there is no loop between the string of numbers.

This shows that if you can afford and patience to filter Pi numbers, maybe you will find codes that make up dogs, cats, humans, even the universe.

Picture 8 of The obvious things that make science unexplainable

The theory is so, but so far, or it may have been until later, we didn't have a computer that's sophisticated enough to decipher what Pi had to offer. This is still considered one of the top mysteries in science, but also a 'basic' concept commonly used in mathematics.

5. The true dimensions of space

We live in a 3-dimensional world: horizontal, vertical and deep . However, after efforts to learn about space science, scientists said that the universe has to . 11 dimensions: horizontal, vertical, depth and 8 pm . another mystery.

Unlike in sci-fi films, when it comes to a ' dimension of space ', it is a different world. In the real world, multi-dimensional space refers to moving dimensions.

Picture 9 of The obvious things that make science unexplainable

Some people say that the fourth afternoon is the afternoon . We can move anywhere, with any direction in the 3D world, but we can only move downstream in time. If this is true, then 7 other dimensions have not been discovered by scientists.

Picture 10 of The obvious things that make science unexplainable

But despite the difficulty, researchers are still trying to find other dimensions based on the mysterious phenomenon brought about by the universe, such as the 'quantum tunnel ' phenomenon - quantum tunneling - particle phenomenon. Material disappears at a location and appears at another location.