The prize was awarded to the postman on the board, winning 1 million dollars in bonuses

Who wants to be a millionaire, quickly solve the Queen's Puzzle puzzle - find a way to put the queen on the checkered board because scientists have hung up the prize for up to $ 1 million for anyone to solve it .

Scientists assert that even without much knowledge of chess rules, they can participate, so that they can understand how complicated it is. In fact, this is an extremely complicated mathematical problem that, according to scientists, can take thousands of years.

More details about the Queen's Puzzle posture. It was introduced in 1848 and the puzzle was simply to find 8 queens lying on the 8 x 8 chess board so that the queens could not eat each other, in other words, to find ways to rank so that there was no army. Any post can move according to chess rules. If you know chess, there's no need to say, the rear is a very powerful army with the ability to move 8 directions at any distance. And it is the freedom of movement of these queens that makes Queen's Puzzle extremely complicated for both players and mathematicians.

Picture 1 of The prize was awarded to the postman on the board, winning 1 million dollars in bonuses
One of the arrangements for the 8-post problem on the 8 x 8 chess board.

Speaking of which, there will definitely be you quickly find a few ways to rank the queens to meet the problem. Not easy to eat, read on

In fact, there are 92 ways to solve this puzzle, made up of 4.5 billion ways of placing 8 cards on the chessboard. That is why the old mathematicians are always headache with this fascinating problem. And the problem will be even more complicated if you expand the number of cells on the board and the number of consoles instead of just 8 on the board 8 x 8 = 64 cells. At that time, you will have problems placing 20 men on a 20 x 20 chess board or placing 100 men on a chess board of 100 x 100 cells,

More generally, Queen's Puzzle can be expanded to find ways to position the queen on the chess board. For this problem, according to researchers, the bigger the n (for example, n = 1000), it will be extremely difficult to calculate arrangements, even for supercomputers. And yet, the problem will be even more fierce if there are more requirements: some of the post-legions are fixed on the board, cannot be moved.

Computer researcher Ian Gent of the University of St Andrews, UK, said: 'New studies are concerned with the post-war problem and not only on the size of the board but also on the fact that some of them are pre-set. And once there are a number of queens placed on the board, will you find a solution and still not move any of the pre-placed queens? ' In short, this is the problem that if solved (find a solution for any one), it will receive 1 million dollars.

Therefore, Gent and other researchers claim that just by finding a computer program that can solve the complex problem quickly, the software will be powerful enough to solve any problem. else there are similar variables that computers today are still struggling to find a solution.

Gent states: ' If you can write a computer program that can quickly solve post-military problems, you will be able to solve many more important problems in their daily lives. me. It may simply be a way to handle a large number of Facebook friends groups who don't know each other or the bigger problem like encrypting online transactions. '

That is also the reason why scientists have raised awards up to $ 1 million for anyone who can write a program to solve the problem of the post-military problem. Gent further explained that the winner only needs or can prove that no algorithm can solve the problem in a reasonable time, or develop an algorithm that can solve the problem quickly, speak in language Math term is polynomial time.

And suggesting that you want to make a million dollars, Gent said that anyone who solved this problem must be extremely smart, very lucky and probably have a new computer science master. have a chance to solve.