The secret of ancient Stonehenge in England

Picture 1 of The secret of ancient Stonehenge in England Among hundreds of stone works that the British inherited from ancient times, the ancient stone site Stonehenge occupies a special place with huge sized stones (some blocks weighing up to 45 tons) and squash shapes. dangerous (remote looks like big fangs) .

From a distance of several hundred meters to Stonehenge, it was noticed that there were special shapes, which looked like prints in the field. When approaching, the picture on the grass is created with ideal accuracy. The drawings in the Stonehenge area are of special type: the land here is not disturbed, but the structure of the grass inside the rings has changed, as if the grass itself "lies" in a necessary order. The drawings that appeared in this area made researchers from all over the world distracted. What meaning is hidden in those drawings, who has left us, for what and why the drawings appear right next to Stonehenge so far no one has answered.

Picture 2 of The secret of ancient Stonehenge in England Stonehenge is one of the most mysterious places on the planet. Up to now, it has not been possible to tell who created the big stones, and for what. Initially the project is a round of 30 vertical blocks of rock (each weighing 25 tons), connected by horizontal bars, inside the circle there are 5 pairs of stone blocks with horizontal bars above.

In the opinion of scientists, Stonehenge began to be built in the 19th century BC and was completed a few hundred years later. In the quarries, people have chiselled out large rocks, then rolled them or carried along the river to take them to the construction site. There the rocks are buried in the ground 1 meter. The rocks here have two types: solid blocks to create the outer ring of the building and softer rocks taken from coal and ore seams (so they are called blue stones), creating the inner circle of Stonehenge. Scientists say the blue rocks taken from Prezeli Mountain, about 200 km from Stonehenge, are enough to see how much the ancient people, when only ropes and sticks, spent much effort and lives to move. transfer them.

Picture 3 of The secret of ancient Stonehenge in England There are many theories about who built this mysterious work. The hypothesis that the aliens involved in building up Stonehenge gained the most attention. In the period of 3,000 to 1,500 years BC, in Europe, especially on the islands of England, many mysterious works appeared, unlike anything. Not the house or the church, but the rocks that make up very standard drawings (usually circular). There is no written evidence to prove that the ancient people built them, and for modern people, the shape of these works makes us think of unidentified flying objects (flying saucers).