The secret to a perfect selfie photo

Researchers have accurately detected facial features that determine the first impression we make to others. This discovery can be used to help us get the perfect "selfie" photos.

>>>The development of selfie movement

For the first time, researchers have discovered characteristics associated with certain social assessments. They emphasize, even with a single photo like a "selfie" photo, small changes in the angle of the face can make owners look more reliable, reputable or attractive.

New research by experts from the Department of Psychology at York University (USA) shows that we can accurately predict the first impressions, use the system to measure physical characteristics in the Daily face shots, such as "selfie" photos appear abundantly on social networks.

Picture 1 of The secret to a perfect selfie photo
The team took ordinary portraits on the network and simulated them in cartoon form to find key features, deciding the first impression of the subject.(Photo: PINAS)

Professor Andy Young, a member of the research team explained, when admiring a photograph of a certain face, we quickly formulate assessments of the personality of the owner, such as whether they are friendly. , credible or capable or not.

Even if their level of accuracy is unknown, these first impressions may affect our subsequent behavior, such as capacity assessments based on face shots that can affect outcomes. election results.

According to the researchers, the impression we create through photographs of our faces - the avatar (avatar) or the "selfie" image - is becoming increasingly important in a world where everyone knows. know each other more online than face-to-face.

A previous study revealed that many different assessments can refer to three separate "aspects" : accessibility (do they want to help or harm me?), Prestige (they can help or harm me?) and attractiveness - youthfulness (whether they can be good lovers / partners or competitors).

Picture 2 of The secret to a perfect selfie photo
Face features make an impression (top to bottom) accessibility, attractiveness - youthfulness and prestige according to the degree of increasing from left to right.

To understand the basis of these assessments, the team extracted normal snapshots online and analyzed facial features to develop a model that accurately predicted first impressions. First. All 1,000 randomly selected faces are described based on 65 traits, such as eye height, eyebrow width, .

By combining these measurement results, the new model can explain more than half of the differences in people's evaluations for the same face. Reversing this process also brings up cartoon-like faces, creating the first impression that can be predicted in a new set of observers.

The researchers claim that their work has shown how important the face and certain photographs of the face can create a positive and negative impression. It also provides a scientific basis that helps explain some of the assessments and expertise of creative professionals and manipulates facial impressions such as casting directors, portrait photographers and editors. cartoon photographer or cartoon artist.