The stone contains 30,000 diamonds

The stone discovered in Russia contains 30,000 tiny diamonds inside, will serve scientific research purposes.

Picture 1 of The stone contains 30,000 diamonds
The stone contains 30,000 diamonds.(Photo: Larry Taylor)

Alrosa mining company on December 15 discovered the stone at Udachny diamond mine in Russia. The red and green stone is 30mm in size, its diamond density is a million times higher than normal.

After an X-ray scan, the team discovered diamonds inside the stone in octahedral form. Red and green comes from larger crystals like garnet, olivine and pyroxen. Test data also show that diamonds crystallize from the liquid escaping in the Earth's oceanic crust and may contain a heavy-weight stone called periodtite .

"What's interesting to me is that there are 30,000 small diamonds, perfect octahedral, not a big diamond , " said Larry Taylor, a geologist at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA.

According to Mining Global, diamonds in a stone are too small to be used as gems. Instead, it was donated to the Russian Academy of Sciences for research purposes.