The strongest rocket in the history of debut

A company announced the largest propulsion rocket in human history in the US capital yesterday.

>>> Video simulating Falcon Heavy rocket launcher

AFP said, Falcon Heavy , the name of the new rocket, is SpaceX 's invention in California, USA. With a length of about 70 meters and fish with a 22-storey building, it is designed to bring the artificial satellite or spacecraft to orbit. The maximum cargo volume that Falcon Heavy can transport up to 53 tons.

' The amount of goods that Falcon Heavy can push into orbit and its escape velocity will be greater than any other type of flight in human history. Its birth opened a new era for space flights by both government and private, " said Elon Musk, SpaceX's chief executive.

Picture 1 of The strongest rocket in the history of debut
With a length of about 70 meters, the Falcon Heavy missiles propel more than 53 tons of cargo onto the Earth's low orbit.Photo: AP.

To understand the formidable power of Falcon Heavy, we can compare if a Boeing 737 plane carries 136 guests, its total volume has not yet reached 53 tons. Thus Falcon Heavy can bring a commercial aircraft with full customers, crew, luggage and fuel to orbit the earth.

Musk said the new missile will appear at Vanderberg Air Force Base, California state later in the year. Soon it will be tested. Falcon Heavy will fly into space for the first time in 2013 or 2014.

The goal of Musk in the coming years is to transport people and goods of the US Aeronautics Agency (NASA) to the International Space Station (ISS) .

After the US shuttle fleet closed in June this year, NASA will have to hire a Russian Soyuz to send astronauts to ISS. For NASA goods that want to hire private companies. SpaceX is one of two US companies chosen by NASA.