The sun is transforming, constantly contracting, but science cannot understand why

According to a certain cycle, the Sun will expand a few thousand meters, then shrink. What does that mean?

Our sun - a fireball of millions of degrees - is just a mid-level star. But even so, it is still one of the most awesome and scary entities. Like a giant nuclear reactor, the Sun creates fire storms, launching plasma flows into the mysterious night of the universe.

But that fireball is transforming, can you believe it? That is the latest conclusion made by astronomers.

Picture 1 of The sun is transforming, constantly contracting, but science cannot understand why
The sun is transforming.

Specifically, according to the study published in Astrophysical magazine, the Sun will expand and contract once every 11 years, every few kilometers. In comparison, it is like the "god" is . breathing in and breathing out, just with an incredibly slow speed.

Of course, this transformation process is difficult to recognize, because a few kilometers compared to "the" Sun's massive radius is only 0.00029% of the size. But if so, how do people identify it?

Experts from the New Jersey Institute of Technology (USA) and the Cote d'Azur University (France) coordinated and obtained this conclusion. They figured out how to measure the flow of plasma from the Sun and reflect it on the star's surface.

To make it easier to imagine, imagine a saxophone. When you play a note, the sound will sound. If the trumpet suddenly bulges, the pitch of the sound will be low. Squeeze it again, the pitch will push up.

The sun is actually nearly the same. When measuring the plasma flow, how the frequency of the waves will determine the size of the Sun, even at very high accuracy. And after 21 years of observing with two NASA satellites, experts have realized one thing: The sun can change its size periodically.

Picture 2 of The sun is transforming, constantly contracting, but science cannot understand why
The sun can change its size periodically.

The exact cause of this transformation is unknown. But according to experts, it seems that this process is also related to the so-called " solar cycle".

Every 11 years, the Sun will switch from a fireball that works violently with countless black points and the magnetic field radiates, to a more sophisticated guy.

When the activity is strongest, the Sun will shrink slightly. When minimized, it will expand. And at this point, the black spots are almost non-existent, which means less magnetic storms.

Of course that's just a hypothesis, and the real reason is not confirmed yet. Just knowing that the Sun is several kilometers larger doesn't affect the Earth's climate, so don't worry.