Nasa tests winged aircraft 'self-transforming'

NASA is testing a new generation of wing aircraft with "transformational" features, which can save fuel costs and reduce noise on the fly.


Thanks to the molded materials that can be bent and curved, the surface of the wing can change shape between flights. Lightweight materials are used to make flexible wing components, which will not only reduce the weight of the wing structure, but will also allow engineers to design and modify them to help improve fuel costs. about 12%.

Picture 1 of Nasa tests winged aircraft 'self-transforming'
The change in wing shape will save fuel costs for the flight. (Photo: NASA)

The modified wing can replace the lateral flaps, which have hard edges that create resistance and noise. When landing, the rear wing flaps will increase the size of the wing and slow the speed of the aircraft. Meanwhile, the new unit can bend flexibly to perform the same function. In addition, it reduces the noise and impact of the environment while flying.

NASA has tested 22 flights in six months at the Armstrong Flight Research Center in California. "We are delighted to be able to complete the test objective without any major technical hurdles , " said Wired Pete Flick, program director of the US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL). or.

The technology is complementary to existing aircraft, with the hope of exerting a profound effect on the future of aviation.