The Sun Storm caused many animals to get lost?

Scientists are conducting an investigation to see if the solar storms cause many animals to run aground.

The Sun's activity has long been thought to cause a lot of strange phenomena, but this is the first time researchers have explored the role of the Sun in these phenomena, in which especially the phenomenon of many aquatic animals being stranded on the shore.

The phenomenon of aground animals may consist of only a few, but sometimes up to several hundred. This strange event often occurs in New Zealand, Australia, Cape Cod Peninsula in Massachusetts, USA - new features with different physical characteristics such as comfortable beaches, fine sand.

In the past, there were many theories surrounding hundreds of whales, dolphins or round-bottom dolphins stranded. Many argue that the use of devices such as multi-beam sound recorders, seabed scanners to map or to find fishy fishing grounds has caused their "navigation system" to fail.

Picture 1 of The Sun Storm caused many animals to get lost?
A humpback whale is stranded in Alaska, USA.

However, human-induced effects cannot be explained to most cases of stranded animals.

The hypothesis of the cause of some landslide species also includes abnormal phenomena of magnetic fields , and other meteorological phenomena such as extreme tide when the new moon or coastal storms make animals are disoriented.

"We think that due to the magnetic field sensor in animals used to orient, so when the magnetic field has abnormal phenomena, animals are more or less affected" - representative of the Institute of Oceanography Physics Heliophysics, NASA - Antti Pulkkinen said.

When the Sun hurricane occurs, the Sun will release giant bubbles carrying electric charge. This phenomenon is thought to affect the system of satellites around Earth as well as electric grids because particles of particles impact from the Earth's volume.

Scientists also believe that this phenomenon may affect some animals.

"Combining the data that Antti has collected with our in-depth data, we can conduct the first rigorous analysis of the potential link between mass strands and current events. weather icon " - Desray Reeb, a marine biologist from the Department of Marine Energy Management (BOEM), said.

Currently researchers are conducting a massive data analysis campaign, with funding from BOEM and NASA's Science Creation Fund.

This research can be extended to September. It is expected that it will give us a new perspective on the phenomenon of mysterious stranded animals.

"If we know the relationship between the two phenomena, we can use observable data on the solar storm to warn soon about the phenomenon of stranded animals" - Katie Moore - Director of the Fund Animal protection of the Animal Rescue Program - said.