The supermassive black hole is about to swallow 3 clouds of Earth

Scientists hope to soon see the supermassive black hole in our galaxy "gobble up" a giant cloud of gas heading towards the black hole.

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Normally, the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A * , located in the center of our galaxy is a "sleeping giant" , but scientists speculate that the giant monster is about to wake up and "devour it. " " a cloud of gas three times the diameter of the Earth.

Picture 1 of The supermassive black hole is about to swallow 3 clouds of Earth
The image simulating the cloud is drawn towards the black hole Sagittarius A *.

Using the VLT telescope at Europe's Southern observatory in Chile, an international team of scientists discovered that the cloud was rapidly moving toward the black hole Sagittarius A *. In fact, the cloud has begun to become fragmented due to the gravitational pull of the super black hole.

The team conjectured that in 2013, the cloud would fall in and be "imprisoned" at the black hole's "stomach" . This event will create a trail of light at the center of the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A *.

'This will be the first time we can see how a black hole eats. It will be a very interesting experience , 'said Dr. Stefan Gillessen, from Max Planck Institute for Space Physics (Germany) and a member of the research team, on National Geographic.

Dr. Gillessen also said that this "meal" is likely to last for about 10 years. As a result, astronomers have much time to study what is happening around the "giant" charging energy.

Super black hole Sagittarius A * is 40 million times more massive than the Sun. Although it is impossible to see the black hole Sagittarius A *, astronomers may have noticed its gravitational influence on the surrounding stars.

With a powerful gravitational force, the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A * can suck and "swallow" stars, nebulae and even the Solar System near it. However, the gravitational pull of the Sagittarius A * black hole is still relatively weak compared to the gravitational pull of the black hole in other galaxies.