The truth about the day

Some people think only Friday (November 11, 2011) is just an inevitable coincidence, but many argue that, according to the ancient Mayans, it is a signal of spiritual connection with death. and spiritual renewal.

Around the day "Tam Trung" - November 11, 2011 (coinciding with the same day, month, year) has many different concepts. But perhaps the most intriguing story about this day is related to the Mayan prophecy in 2012.

The final counting calendar of the ancient Mayans will take place on December 21, 2012. Many people believe that this day will open a new spiritual era, even the Apocalypse.

Some people believe it is possible that November 11, 2011 was related to December 21, 2012, when they saw the US Naval Observatory had set the exact time of the winter day of the year 2012 at 11h11 coinciding with International time is on December 21, 2012.

Picture 1 of The truth about the day
Scientists say time coincidence is just a phenomenal phenomenon (Photo: Livescience)

Judging from this, John Hoopes, a scholar of the Maya history at the University of Kansas, told Livescience : " This phenomenon is just a coincidence, called by the scientists to be the Synod. Based on this, many cultures have amplified the Unity '.

The fact that the US Naval Observatory made the official time of the winter solstice in 2012, when the tilt of the Earth was the farthest from the sun, coincided at 11h12 on December 21, 2012 as much as made some The believer on 11/11/2011 is the day with a spiritual connection with the prediction of the Mayans.

Stir this up partly because of messages, online websites. Along with this time, the same time as 12h12, 10h10, 12h34 also appeared similar rumors.

But these numbers may seem to have something very special to the people because it is deeply ingrained in their subconscious.'People are more impressed at 11.11 hours than 4h29 or 6h53 or something like that,' Hoopes said.

Psychologists say that this curiosity has led people to find coincidence with other things. Once considered November 11, 2011 as a meaningful number, it is possible to find coincidence everywhere.

An online website also said that the Sun is in a strong cycle of activity associated with prediction of the Mayan people. But in fact, NASA scientists said that in 2012 the Sun has not caused any harm.

'In fact, the Mayans followed the great cycles of time, and there was a large period of time beginning in 3013 BC on our calendar, and there was reason to think that the big period of time may take place on the 21st of 2012 , ' Hoopes said.

According to Hoopes, the Mayans tend to see periodic cycles with important events repeated on the corresponding day in a cycle. So what the Maya left is still a secret question. But the top Maya scholars still deny rumors about the Apocalypse in response to the Mayan calendar.

Notably, the Mayans also did not record prophecies about the end of the world, but only by those who had faith in the day.

The Mayan calendar has many resonances with today simply because the ancient Mayans were considered to belong to a strange culture with very advanced wisdom. A century ago, people also believed similar things happened in relation to Indian and Chinese culture.